"Today, Tennessee Walking Horses are known throughout the industry
as the breed that shows abused and tortured horses."

~ Jim Heird, Ph.D., Do Right By The Horse, February 2010

"If you have men who will exclude any of God's creatures from the shelter of compassion and pity,
you will have men who will deal likewise with their fellow men."

~ St. Francis of Assisi

Monday, July 22, 2013

HOW YOU CAN HELP - A Letter to FTTWH from Marty Irby

I received this wonderful letter from Marty Irby today, the immediate past president of TWHBEA.  He said I am welcome to share it on the blog and anywhere else I want to, so I am.

While I am not renewing my membership with TWHBEA yet for my own reasons, I think that for those of you who want to should definitely do so.  And don't forget to thank those on TWHBEA's board who want to see support for HR 1518, aka the Whitfield Amendment.  They need our help, even if it's just kind letters!  (Click here for the list.)

THANK YOU Marty, for seeing it like it is!  I'm sure the horse thanks you for it as well!


Dear Sir/Madam:

I don't know you but my name is Marty Irby. You have posted about me before on your site and I wanted to inform you of my most up-to-date and recent positions.

First, as you may know I worked for more than a year with Mr. Keith Dane and Mr. Wayne Pacelle from the HSUS to secure a relationship in which TWHBEA & HSUS would be able to work together for the sound horse and positive promotion of our breed. As a result, and after advocating this to our EC and Members we have secured the Sponsorship of our TWHBEA World Versatility Show from HSUS. This marks the first time in history HSUS has ever sponsored a livestock competitive event, and the first time they have ever sponsored a horse show of any breed. I am grateful to both Keith and Wayne for their efforts in working together to achieve this for our breed.

Secondly, I have this morning posted on PopVox my official position regarding The HR 1518 Whitfield Amendment. I fully support the amendment and have made this public. After 2 years of attempting to get the performance horse people to work together to change training and shoeing equipment and to stop soring, I now realize they will not do this on their own. Therefore, the only alternative to stop soring and to ensure the survival of our breed and its welfare is to support Mr. Whitfield.

I just wanted you to be aware of my positions, and where I am today. I have come a long way over the past 7 years of service at TWHBEA, and am proud to have ended up where I am as a person and for our horse.

Please feel free to share my email with anyone you like or on your site/blog. Thank you for advocating for the sound horse and keep up the great work!

All the best,
Marty Irby
Immediate Past President of TWHBEA
President of TWHBEA 2011-2012
International Director From Tennessee
Marketing Vice-President, 2010
Marketing Vice-President, 2007
Former 8 Time World & World Grand Champion who finally understands and "gets it."

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