"Today, Tennessee Walking Horses are known throughout the industry
as the breed that shows abused and tortured horses."
Friday, December 10, 2010
ARTICLES and NEWS - SHOW Refuses To Implement USDA Penalties and SHOW Show Managers Meeting
Thursday, December 9, 2010
ARTICLE - TWH Organization Resists USDA Mandate
The following is the text from the article. Click here for the article online. My thoughts below.
Tennessee Walking Horse Organization Resists USDA Mandate
by: Pat Raia
December 02 2010, Article # 17327
PRIDE, a Kentucky-based Tennessee Walking Horse Industry Organization (HIO), has declined to include new USDA Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) Horse Protection Act (HPA) enforcement regulations in its 2011 horse show rule book on the grounds that the mandate infringes on private entities' legal rights.
The HPA forbids soring, the deliberate injury to a horse's legs to achieve an exaggerated "big lick" gait. APHIS is tasked with enforcing the law. The act also authorizes the agency to certify licensed HIOs that meet HPA enforcement criteria.
The 2011 protocol sets minimum uniform penalties for scar rule, soring, use of foreign substances on horses, and failure to pass equipment and shoeing inspections. Earlier this year, APHIS informed HIO managers in writing that they must include a mandatory minimum penalty protocol in their 2011 horse show rule books, and they must submit their 2011 rule books for the agency's review by Dec. 1.
Last month, PRIDE informed the agency in writing that it is refusing to comply with the penalty protocol mandate.
"It's not that we're being defiant or that we don't want what's best for the horses," said Sam Hamilton, the director of PRIDE, "It's that an HIO is private entity, and I don't believe the USDA has the legal authority to mandate penalties to a private entity."
APHIS spokesman David Sacks confirmed that the agency received PRIDE's letter and that the agency would penalize HIOs that fail to adopt the mandatory protocol.
"HIO rule books are being reviewed currently," Sacks said. "It was explained to the HIOs that if the penalties do not meet USDA standards, they will be in violation of the HPA and its regulations, and they will face decertification."
The agency will follow up with each HIO by Jan. 1, 2011, Sacks said.
Okay, seriously Sam? I mean do you REALLY believe that "the USDA doesn't have legal authority to mandate penalties"? They govern the HPA--it's their JOB to enforce the HPA by any means necessary. You are really a moron if you think that. And frankly, they NEED to be doing their job now because you HIOs can't seem to do it.
So I guess we'll find out what happens on or before January 1. Until then...
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
NEWS - TWHBEA and WHTA Appoint HPA Violators to Their Boards...AGAIN
Cantrell Elected President of WHTA
Friday, December 03, 2010
As happens each year, the December meeting is when the elections are held for the upcoming year. Bill Cantrell [2007 for Bill & Peggy, 2003] was elected President over incumbent Winky Groover [at least he admitted to his violations] and Wayne Dean [2007, 2005, 2004, 2003, 2001]. The following members were elected to serve three-year terms on the board of directors, Billy Gray [6 mos in 1988, 6 mos in 1993, 5 years starting 1994, 2002, 2005, twice in 2006 + 3 years starting in 2006, 2007], Larry Wheelon [2 years starting 1991, 1 year starting 1999, 3 times in 2001, 9 months in 2002, 9 months in 2003, 3 times in 2005 plus 6 months in 2005], Link Webb [7 months in 2002 - caught by the USDA, twice in 2005] and Brock Tillman [2004, 2005, current suspension 9/2009 - 9/2099]. Wayne Dean will serve out the two years remaining on Cantrell's term on the board.
Chad Williams [2002, 2004, twice in 2006], 1st Vice-President, and David Landrum [2 years in 1997, 1998, 2002, current suspension 6/2010 - 1/2099], 2nd Vice-President ran unopposed and were thus elected to serve just as they did in these roles in 2010.
Other members on the slate of directors included Jeff Green [8 months in 1998, 2002, 2003, twice in 2007, 2010], Dick Peebles [8 months in 1991, 2007, current suspension with WHTA 8/2007 - 8/2012], Frankie Roark [1 month in 2008], Brandon Stout [2004, 2005, 2 months in 2006, 2007, 2010], Laurie Toone [under family name Toone ticketed twice in 1998 for a one year suspension each], Vickie Self [8 months in 2004], Dude Crowder [3 years in 1991, twice in 2003, 8 months in 2006], Brad Beard [2007, 2009], Brad Davis [twice in 2005, 2008] and Joe Fleming [5 years in 1992, 2006].
A complete story on the meeting will be posted and in the print edition of the Walking Horse Report.
TWHBEA Elects 2011 Executive Committee; Irby Elected President
Saturday, December 04, 2010
By Jeffrey Howard
The nominating committee, chaired by Brenda Carlon presented the following slate to the international board:
President: Kasey Kesselring
Senior Vice President: Margo Urad [2007 with Stan Urad]
Administrative/Fiscal/Audit: Rob Cornelius
Breeders Vice President: Kathy Zeis [2005]
Enforcement Vice President: Marty Irby [8 months in 2001]
Equine Welfare Vice President: Dr. Jim Baum [2005]
Horse Show Vice President: Tracy Boyd
Marketing Vice President: Joyce Moyer
Owners/Exhibitors/International VP: Stephen Brown [2005, 2008]
Performance Show Horse Vice President: Tom Kakassy [twice in 2009]
Pleasure Horse Vice President: Rick Wies
Training Division Vice President: Wayne Dean [2001, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2007]
Member at Large/By Laws Vice President: Lloyd Hall Black, Jr.
Member at Large/Youth: Deborah Locke
Secretary: Sharon Brandon
Marty Irby declined the nomination for Vice President Enforcement thus leaving the spot open until nominations from the floor were received. Mike Hicks was nominated for the position and ran unopposed.
Nominations from the floor came in three positions, President, Equine Welfare and At-Large Youth. Irby was nominated for President, Dr. Linda Montgomery [8 months in 2001] for Equine Welfare and Leslie Topham and Lisa Bowman Anderson for Youth.
Each candidate in the contested races was afforded three minutes to address the directors. All other positions were accepted by acclamation. In a tight race Irby beat Kesselring 34 to 30. Dr. Linda Montgomery beat Dr. Jim Baum 53 to 11 and Bowman Anderson beat Topham 36 to 26 with Locke receiving 2 votes.
The 2011 Executive Committee immediately took office and will conduct the 2011 TWHBEA business.