"Today, Tennessee Walking Horses are known throughout the industry
as the breed that shows abused and tortured horses."

~ Jim Heird, Ph.D., Do Right By The Horse, February 2010

"If you have men who will exclude any of God's creatures from the shelter of compassion and pity,
you will have men who will deal likewise with their fellow men."

~ St. Francis of Assisi

Thursday, August 29, 2013

NEWS and ARTICLES - Live Chat on the Tennessean; HSUS Grant Program for TWHs; Wheelon Case Still Up in the Air

Well, a lot's been going on...still low entries and relatively small crowds at the Celebration.  There is a lot still going on with the Wheelon Case as well.  I'll get to that in a minute.

First, this awesome thing happened on the Tennessean online today.  It was a live chat with Keith Dane from the HSUS and Mike Inman from the sore horse world.  Click here for the website.

The Tennessean : 
Good morning! We'll be having a LIVE web chat with Keith Dane, head of the Humane Society of the United States equine protection division, and Tennessee Walking Horse Celebration CEO Mike Inman will join us at 11 a.m. for a web chat.

Submit your questions now! And we'll have them ready for the start of the chat in just under 2 hours. 
The Tennessean : 
Thanks to those of you submitting your questions! We'll be publishing them when we start the chat at 11 a.m. central
The Tennessean : 
We're about 5 minutes from getting started with the chat. Read The Tennessean's previous coverage of the Walking Horse industry here.http://www.tennessean.com/section/projects36
Keith Dane: 
Thank you for hosting this event - it's my pleasure to participate.
Mike Inman, TWHNC CEO: 
Hey there, this is Mike Inman, CEO of The Celebration. Glad to be here today.
The Tennessean : 
Welcome to Keith and Mike! Thanks for participating in our chat today on the Walking Horse industry. I'll go ahead and publish our first question.
Comment From Susan Carter 
How widespread is the practice of soring? Is it even possible for UN-sored horses to compete?
Mike Inman, TWHNC CEO: 
Soring is not common at all. In fact, most of the shows this year had a 98% compliance rate with the Horse Protection Act. And the gait of the walking horse is natural. If you have seen a younger horse, you will see they are born with the gait.
Comment From Bill Kabobo 
Mr. Dane; Name one other industry that has a 98% "approval" rating by the government with the government in attendance 100% of the time? And.... the majority of the 2% that aren't "approved" is HIGHLY subjective. The Tennessee Walking Horse Industry.... the most regulated breed on earth.... unfairly. comment please ....
Keith Dane: 
The statistics being cited here are those promoted by the traditional industry groups that have been exposed in the past for having conflicts of interest. The violation rates when USDA inspectors are present are much higher - often tenfold higher or more. This is why industry sefl-regulation doesn't work and must be eliminated.
Comment From Guest 
Since the McConnell video and all the Internet Information, many people outside of Tennessee have voiced their horror that this kind of abuse continues. The Industry seems to have been saying that they are working on it and it's just a few bad apples, but the numbers show 45% of the horses just leave rather than be inspected. What has to happen to end this? How can Groups work together to change this and stop soring once and for all?
Keith Dane: 
It's unfortunate that industry "leaders" refuse to acknowledge the ongoing widespread nature of soring. You can't solve a problem if you won't acknowledge that it exists.
Comment From Colleen 
How does the Humane Society feel about other national horse breed associations throwing stones at the Walking Horse people when they live in glass houses. Granted, no other breed association condones crimes as gruesome as soring and the torture/punishments that come with it. But, the entire competitive horse industry seems to turn a blind eye to tail docking and 24/7 tail sets on Saddlebreds, gingering the tails of Arabs, bloodletting of Quarters, Appys, and Paints, and injecting the tail of those same stock breed with alcohol. The list goes on. Looking at the endorsers of the new 'pledge' being signed by various members of the American Horse Council, it appears to be nothing more than an attempt to hide their own sins. Always in the horse industry, the fox guarding the hen house. So sad that these are the people who have the ears of Washington.
Mike Inman, TWHNC CEO: 
First I have to say, this year the compliance rate was the same when the USDA was in attendance, and, the HIO that inspects at 85% of the shows, does not allow any conflicts. 
Keith Dane: 
And the compliance rate at this year's Celebration is much lower than the 98% compliance rate just cited earlier...as it is every year.
Mike Inman, TWHNC CEO: 
Actually, that is not true. The HSUS has been spreading any lie they can think of, like the one they just told about the ten-fold increase when the USDA is not present. USDA is here at The Celebration and the compliance rate is 97.1%!
Comment From Guest 
Why has the padded segment of the TWH industry been so slow to move to a smaller shoeing package, more in line with that used by the Saddlebred and Morgan park type show horse. Those horses have an image that is positive with national show horse audience as contrasted to the TWH image today.
Keith Dane: 
Every breed and discipline has had its problems. We've worked with several of them that have been willing to look in the mirror and recognize they have a problem and find a solution. This industry has not done so...and the abuse is the most egregious.
Mike Inman, TWHNC CEO: 
Again, the compliance rate - according to the USDA - is 97.1% Another lie.
Keith Dane: 
The statistic I quoted is the absolute truth, and is verifiable.
Mike Inman, TWHNC CEO: 
We do have smaller packages in the ring. There are 8 different divisions based on the type of shoe they have.
Comment From Lisa 
What is the Celebration planning to do to repair the image of the show and bring the fans back? TWHNC has declining entries and spectators. Alternate shows like the World Versatility shows have few spectators but increasing participation. Can the Celebration find a way to meet in the middle?
Mike Inman, TWHNC CEO: 
The Celebration is the largest attended horse show in America. Having said that, we will continue to look for ways to increase spectatorship.
Comment From Lisa 
Has the Celebration considered bringing back the superhorse competition or adding versatility classes? This seems to be a booming area of the industry and will help bridge the divide between flatshod and padded horses.
Comment From Oscar 
Question to both mr. Inman and mr. Dane. What would be, to your opinion, the future of the breed in case the PAST resolution would pass?
Mike Inman, TWHNC CEO: 
We recently hosted the Extreme Cowboy National Championship, that same weekend as the Spring Fun Show. We embrace, promote and support all disciplines of the Tennessee Walking Horse, from trail to rail.
Keith Dane: 
When the problem of soring is eradicated, the TWH breed can thrive and grow. As long as soring continues and the industry is in denial, this will not happen.

The HSUS, the veterinary community, the rest of the horse industry have all agreed that the PAST Act is needed to protect horses and free this breed from the abuses of the past. The potential for the TWH once this happens is unlimited.
Mike Inman, TWHNC CEO: 
The legislation was written to eliminate the entire breed. If passed, there would be no Tennesse Walking Show Horses.
The Tennessean : 
We're getting lots of great questions. Trying to space them out. If you've submitted one, we'll be sure to include it. Just trying to make sure that Mike and Keith have a chance to respond. 
Comment From Guest 
Is the compliance rate quoted by Mr. Inman based upon entries or horses? Based upon entries, the compliance rate is always substantially reduced as the sound, flat shod horses bolster the numbers.
Keith Dane: 
That is a dismal and unrealistic view that is not shared by the rest of the horse world. There are MANY TWH competitions - for show horses - around the country, which do not offer classes for stacked, chained horses. The foundation is already there.
Mike Inman, TWHNC CEO: 
HSUS supports putting an end to the Tennessee Walking Show Horse. They don't care about soring, they want to eliminate the sport, then go on to other equine breeds.
Comment From Marty Irby 
How are the judges selected for The Celebration? What process and evaluation system is utilized, and what specific individuals select these judges?
Keith Dane: 
Mr. Inman is in no position to cite HSUS's position, which has been made clear repeatedly. We encourage and support the exhibition of sound, humanely trained natural TWHs, and support the horse industry as long as the welfare of the horse comes first. We had a booth at the 2010 World Equestrian Games in KY to show our support for the industry. The big lick TWH was not allowed to be a part of those Games, even in an exhibition format.
Mike Inman, TWHNC CEO: 
The judges are selected by the Judge's Committee, a group of people that do not own walking horses.
Comment From Ty Irby 
It is my understanding that the HSUS is, & has been, in contempt of a court order from an East TN judge several weeks ago regarding the Wheelon customer horses. Why have those horses not yet been released? Why were those horses transported out of the state of TN by the HSUS or it's representatives? Why does the Tennessean NOT report such information as this to the public??
Keith Dane: 
Defenders of the status quo continuously use this tactic of claiming that HSUS has an agenda against horse shows when in fact we work with and support many segments of the horse industry.
Comment From Rory Carroll 
Mr. Inman, why have the trainers scratched so many horses from going in the ring? The mandatory penalties will not affect them unless they are themselves out of compliance, so if your claims are true, what's everyone afraid of?
Keith Dane: 
Our attorneys are in discussion with the local SPCA and District Attorney General on the issue of disposition of the Wheelon horses, and this has not yet been decided.
Mike Inman, TWHNC CEO: 
Trainers withdraw their horses for a number of reasons, such as, entering multiple horses in the same class, or in multiple divisions. Even so, this year, the number of horses that were withdrawn is relatively small.
Keith Dane: 
The number of horses shown has been relatively small...and gets smaller every year.
Mike Inman, TWHNC CEO: 
You are defying a court order, and, if you are so concerned about their welfare, why wont you send them home to their owners.
Comment From Donna 
Mr. Dane, Many feel that, as you say, the TWH indusrty has "failed" to cave to the pressure that the HSUS has put on the the TWH industry and many feel that HSUS is making an example of the people and horses in the business because of the subjectivity of the inspections. Would you care to respond to that.
Keith Dane: 
The HSUS does not believe that the inspection process is as subjective as those who wish to use this argument in denial of the problem, would like the public to believe.
Comment From Lawrence 
Keith Dane, does the HSUS support the ban on all weighted shoes? In a perfect world without soring, what sort of equipment would be legal in the TWH show ring?
Mike Inman, TWHNC CEO: 
Would the HSUS make a grant of $250,000 to help the industry and USDA together develop objective tests.
Keith Dane: 
The American Association of Equine Practitioners has called soring one of the most egregious equine welfare problems - and it is a major proponent of reforms and the PAST Act. This is the nation's leading equine veterinary association.
Keith Dane: 
The American taxpayer has already paid hundreds of thousands of dollars or more for USDA to develop and invest in technology to be used in the inspection process.
Comment From Larry 
Do any of celebration board members have a financial stake or personal financial interest in businesses related to the walking horse industry, and if so, who are they?
Mike Inman, TWHNC CEO: 
That is why we are developing legislation. Right now, the only thing out there is a bill designed to eliminate the entire breed. They want to end the sport, we want to send soring, and are well on our way.
Keith Dane: 
Yet the industry disputes the findings of licensed, trained USDA veterinarians when violations are cited.
Keith Dane: 
The PAST Act will not eliminate the breed or end the sport of TWH exhibitions. You are insulting all of the thousands of exhibitors of sound, flat shod TWHs when you say that THEIR sport is not legitimate, doesn't exist or cannot be the future of the breed. It will be.
Mike Inman, TWHNC CEO: 
Does the bill ban all weighted shoes? You continue to avoid the question.
Comment From Rory Carroll 
Mr. Inman, do you think trainers with a chronic history of soring horses should at some point be eliminated permanently from the breed? And if so, can you explain why your USDA certified program, SHOW, is not doing that?
Mike Inman, TWHNC CEO: 
Anyone with a business in a small town where there are walking horse events, or anyone who cares about the many charities to which walking horse shows contribute would fall into those categories.
Comment From denise 
When does HSUS plan to remove the pads and weighted shoes from the saddlebred, morgan, arabian, and fresian among other breedds...... there is no scientific evidence that the pads or action devices harm the horse. Removing them from the TWH would be like taking bats away from all ballplayers because of steriod use
Keith Dane: 
I don't believe this question has been asked on this Chat, but I have been asked it and answered it numerous times, in numerous forums. The PAST Act would prohibit the use of weighted shoes that are not protective or therapeutic. It will be up to the USDA to determine what shoes are protective vs. harmful. It is their responsiblity under the current Horse Protection Act to develop regulations that comply with the law, and they will do so when PAST becomes law.
Mike Inman, TWHNC CEO: 
We have suspended people for a lifetime, and announced to the public we did so.
Keith Dane: 
There is no reason a show cannot donate to a charity without condoning horse abuse.
Comment From Guest 
Has there been any thought to the idea of surprise inspections of trainers at their stables by USDA or similar authority as a true preventative measure?
Keith Dane: 
Thank you, Denise - I'm glad you asked that question. Other breeds which use pads do not use them to hide abuse - there have been no known or documented incidents of this in other breeds, which rely on a horse to be sound in order to perform. The pads in the TWH and Racking horse breeds are often used to hide damage to the hoof.
Comment From Renee 
I will yet submit my question for the third time. While soring is a huge issue. I would like to know WHY HSUS has not stepped in for the horses and other livestock that are being slaughtered in Florida on ILLEGAL SLAUGHTER farms? I have been begging HSUS for almost TWO YEARS to help us. TWH's end up on these farms as well.
Mike Inman, TWHNC CEO: 
Horses are x-rayed at The Celebration and if someone is caught pressure-shoeing, and if found guilty, can get a lifetime suspension.
Comment From Lisa 
How many trainers have been suspended for life from the Celebration?
Mike Inman, TWHNC CEO: 
We are doing all we can to stop those few trainers that are soring horses without violating an individual's constitutional rights.
Keith Dane: 
Sorry, Renee - this is the first time your question has appeared. Law enforcement officials in Florida have been made aware of the situation of illegal slaughter farms, and HSUS supported the legislation which made them illegal. It is the responsibility of law enforcement to ensure that the law is followed, though we are often called in to assist.
Mike Inman, TWHNC CEO: 
Two trainers have been suspended for life.
Comment From Cat in the Hat 
Mr. Inman, the Celebration has taken a hard stance against Jackie McConnell, who was recently convicted on both federal and state charges, and the Celebration ground his name off of the granite, and yet you're still willing to take his money as a sponsor for the championship class--it would appear to me that this is nothing more than a shell game. Can you explain why you have not refused his sponsorship?
Keith Dane: 
Mr. Inman, how do you account for the high repeat violation rate of the industry's top exhibitors/trainers, those enrolled in the Riders Cup program? They all have histories of repeat violations. You just can't say there are only a few; it's not credible, and those in the industry know different.
Comment From Paula 
Keith - are there substances or objects used under pads that dont show up in x-rays ?
Mike Inman, TWHNC CEO: 
Jackie McConnell is not a sponsor of the championship class. What kind of sponsorship are you speaking of?
Keith Dane: 
Paula, there are absolutely objects/substances used under the pads that don't show up on x-rays. Hardened acrylic, "blue putty" and other non-metallic objects the same density as the horse's hoof cannot be detected. In addition, trainers are using putty, standing horses on bolts, etc. then removing those objects and reshoeing the horses on stacks just before competition. Horses should have their shoes/stacks pulled randomly and the sole inspected for damage.
Comment From Billy Go Boy 
World Grand Championship Pony class on Stake Night
Mike Inman, TWHNC CEO: 
All people found in violation receive suspensions and repeat offenders are punished further.
Comment From Ty Irby 
Mr Dane - you mentioned that the industry disputes the findings of the USDA vets - correct? Well, could it be because the USDA vets are not equine experts by a long shot, & many times those same horses that the USDA vets find in violation are also inspected by veterinarians who are exclusively equine practitioners, members of the American Association of Equine Practitioners, & equine experts & those same horses are determined by the equine experts to be compliant?? Does this not give the TWH Industry the valid grounds to dispute the USDA!
Keith Dane: 
I'm happy to provide an analysis of the violation history and suspensions (or lack thereof) of the industry's top riders. This was posted on the HSUS website last week.
Comment From Lisa 
Mike Inman, if you believe in these punishments, why did the Celebration's SHOW challenge the mandatory penalties?
Keith Dane: 
Ty, are the industry vets you cite (who may happen to be members of AAEP but do not represent the Association) employed by the industry? Do they serve clients in the industry - in other words, does their income rely on those clients?
Mike Inman, TWHNC CEO: 
SHOW opposed the MPs because the way the rule was written will kill the HIOs with tough inspections and allow those HIOs with weak inspections to prosper.
Mike Inman, TWHNC CEO: 
Billy Go Boy, many years ago, Jackie McConnell's family, along with five other families, donated a challenge trophy.
Comment From joe 
So mr Dane why are you and HSUS not in fla with cameras rolling to like you have at the celebration to protect animals being killed for meat??
Comment From Teresa 
Question for Mr. Inman, If those penalties kill HIOs with tough inspections, how is it that WHOA, IWHA and NWHA are thriving and doing well? They have tough inspections and penalties.
Mike Inman, TWHNC CEO: 
Last year, the vet that looked at horses turned down by the USDA, were not paid, and they disagreed with the USDA quite often, which is another reason why the industry wants to work with the USDA to move to objective testing.
Keith Dane: 
Not to get off the topic of soring which is the focus of this chat, but The HSUS is adamantly opposed to horse slaughter for human consumption. We devote significant resources to the passage of federal legislation that will make this illegal across the country - and the export of horses for slaughter as well. Our current focus is on the national level, as all of America's horses deserve protection from this cruelty.
Keith Dane: 
Does the Celebration support the random pulling of stacks/shoes to examine the sole of the horse for damage? Does the Celebration support random drug testing to determine whether pain-killing drugs have been administered, as USEF and other industry associations have done?
Mike Inman, TWHNC CEO: 
Mr Dane, why do you continue to defy the court order and not return the horses to the rightful owners?
Keith Dane: 
USDA randomly tested horses in 2012 and 2013 for drugs and found approximately 10% positive results.
Mike Inman, TWHNC CEO: 
Both of the practices Mr. Dane are currently in place, so yes not only do we support it, we are doing it.
Keith Dane: 
I've answered the question regarding the disposition of the Wheelon horses.
Mike Inman, TWHNC CEO: 
The USDA was using a one part per million baseline which USEF says is an unacceptable threshold.
Keith Dane: 
What process is used to determine which entries will be tested? Who is conducting the testing? How many horses have been tested? Will the Celebration be publishing the results of those tests?
The Tennessean : 
This has been a very lively chat!

To all of you that have submitted questions, thank you so much! If your question hasn't been included, we apologize. There have been a lot of questions coming through and some have overlapped. Check back up in the chat to see if you're question has already been answered.

And to Keith and Mike -- this has really been great. We don't want to keep you too long -- so we're just going to post a couple more questions and wrap this up in the next 10 minutes. 
Keith Dane: 
My understanding is that USEF assisted USDA in the development of the drug testing protocol.
Mike Inman, TWHNC CEO: 
But those people want their horses back and the judge has ordered their return. How can you say you care about their well-being.
Comment From Guest 
Mr. Dane As a 501c(3) tax exempt organization, how can the HSUS lobby and influence legislation? Is that a no-no in regards to the tax exempt status and the IRS?
Mike Inman, TWHNC CEO: 
Thanks Heidi!!!
Keith Dane: 
Actually all 501c3 organizations are allowed to devote a portion of their activites to working in support of passage of legislation, and the HSUS keeps meticulous records on its activities in this area.
Comment From Billy Go Boy 
Mr. Inman, did you have an exchange with a USDA officlal when Honors was turned down?
Keith Dane: 
Thank you for the opportunity to discuss this important equine welfare issue in a public forum. I encourage your viewers to contact their members of Congress and urge them to cosponsor the PAST Act, HR 1518/S 1406.
Mike Inman, TWHNC CEO: 
Part of what makes the inspections work at The Celebration is the tight coordination and cooperation with the USDA.
The Tennessean : 
OK -- Mike, Keith -- any final thoughts you'd like to share with our readers?
Mike Inman, TWHNC CEO: 
Nothing other than, we appreciate the work you put into this and please, all who are reading, come to The Celebration!
The Tennessean : 
Thanks again to Keith Dane from the Humane Society and Mike Inman for the Tennessee Walking Horse National Celebration for taking the time to join us today.

And thanks also to the readers for your great questions!

A transcript of the chat will be available at Tennessean.com/walkinghorses shortly!

Have a great afternoon, everyone.
Keith Dane: 
The HSUS supports the humane enjoyment of all animals, including all show horses and Tennessee Walking Horses, and many of our members and supporters are involved in the industry and appreciate our efforts to protect this animal. We want the breed and the industry to thrive and succeed and will continue to find ways to encourage and reward those who are doing the right thing, such as our Now That's a Walking Horse! reward program announced today.

This is quite possibly the most wonderful thing I've read in a long time.

Mike Inman, TWHNC CEO: The legislation was written to eliminate the entire breed. If passed, there would be no Tennesse Walking Show Horses.

Keith Dane: The PAST Act will not eliminate the breed or end the sport of TWH exhibitions. You are insulting all of the thousands of exhibitors of sound, flat shod TWHs when you say that THEIR sport is not legitimate, doesn't exist or cannot be the future of the breed. It will be.

A million thanks to Keith Dane for this.  It absolutely is an insult to be speaking like that about the TWH.

It amazes me that all Mike Inman can do is ask about the release of the horses and blame the HSUS. Keith Dane gave him an answer about the horses and he STILL won't let up. Inman can't even come up with any valid facts or even answer some of the questions. And you know what's worse? The industry can read the facts right in front of their face that Keith puts out there and they will STILL act like the HSUS is out to get them.

Well, here's proof that the HSUS is not out to end the TWH industry.  The HSUS put together a new program called "Now, That's a Walking Horse!".  From their website:

Individual awards up to $500 and program grants up to $1,000 are available to those who promote flat-shod registered Tennessee walking horses in venues other than traditional show ring rail classes. The program encourages improvement of horses’ and riders’ skills, recognizes participation and achievement in multi-breed events, and enables equipment purchases and rider sponsorships in therapeutic horsemanship programs and natural horsemanship clinics intended to introduce more walking horse enthusiasts to humane approaches to training. Applicants for these grants must have no history of Horse Protection Act violations received from the U.S. Department of Agriculture or any of its certified horse industry inspection programs within the past five years in order to participate in this program.

It's going to be pretty hard for the Industry to claim the HSUS is against all TWHs.  But they'll find a way, I'm sure.  Click here for more information about Now That's a Walking Horse and how to apply for the grant!

In the meantime, we are dealing with weirdness of the Wheelon Case.  Lots of news articles are out there about it.

Unfortunately, the charges against Wheelon's workers have also been dismissed.  Click here for the article.  From the article:

Animal cruelty cases against three employees of Larry Wheelon stables were dismissed Wednesday afternoon in the courtroom of Blount County General Sessions Judge Robert L. Headrick.  

Stacy Gunner, 43, Ratledge Street, Louisville, and Brandon Lunsford, 21, Blair Loop Road, Walland, had been charged with aggravated animal cruelty.

Farrier Blake Primrose, 44, Glenn Road, Louisville, was charged with cruelty to livestock.

Blount County Assistant District Attorney General Ellen Berez said “no comment” when asked why the charges were dismissed.

Nothing quite like not telling us why.  This means we still need to get after the DA Mike Flynn and get these charges sent to the Grand Jury!

The horses from the case still have not been returned to their owners because of the technicality on the Heffington order.  We'll update you as we get more information.

Billygoboy continues to give a play by play of the Celebration, so be sure to visit that website and bring your popcorn!

I also want to say THANK YOU for all of the positive responses I've received concerning my previous post.  I am glad to know that folks are reading it and taking it to heart.  God bless the Tennessee Walking Horse, and may we all see an end to this tragedy soon!

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